
Showing posts from June, 2020

Expect the Unexpected: when graphic novelists defy stereotypes, Sarah

On Two Graphic Novels from Our Library That Have Been Quarantined With me for Three Months... and Counting For the first time in my living memory (and I'm old, I was born last century, last millennium even!), books checked out as far back as February, are still not due back to the library. On the contrary, we are being implored NOT to return our library books, as book drops are only so big, while a pandemic, evidently,  is longer than a piece of string by anyone's guesstimate. So it is I find myself in the company of the same book covers every night as I stare from my bed before sleep, and so it is that the two comic books in my pile, with their dramatic illustrations, jump out at me night after night, at times haunting me, at others soothing. The very graphic nature of a graphic novel's jacket is both its magnificence as a representation of the book's inner artwork and an indication of the (often gory) story within. I lucked out; the two publications that stare back...