Some heart-tugging books


Not Your Idol is not what I thought it would be.  Nina is a girl who chooses to dress in the "boys" uniform rather than the skirts the other girls wear, and is seen as "less than" by most of the school.  I thought, from the blurb on the back of the book that this would be a girl attempting to BE a boy novel, but it isn't.....Nina never denies that she is a girl, but has no desire to be seen as one, or at least not the traditional type.  The reasons for this are explored in this first book in the series, but even the back cover acknowledges that it is in response to an assault.  There is a lot of emotion in this book, and it explores the victim roles assigned to women, whether or not dress & attractiveness matter as regards an assault as well as what it means to be struggling with PTSD in the aftermath (although it is never actually said that way).  Some things are focused in a distinctly Japanese way (duh....manga from Japan); but some ideas are universal so I found it interesting and heartwrenching to watch Nina go through all the issues and problems.  She has an additional layer to the mess, which is that she was assaulted while a member of a pop the pressure and issues of stardom were just beginning to be explored as the first volume ended.  I look forward to reading more of this series.

Heartstopper truly is what the title suggests.....and it is SO good.  Charlie is an out gay boy in an all boy's school.  He has a boy, Ben, who sneaks around with him for secret kisses; but no one who will actually date him; but at least he isn't being bullied as much now that he is year 10.  (This is evidently set in England although it isn't actually said).  Nick is a rugby player who is in year 11, but ends up sharing a class with Charlie and they are assigned seats next to each other.  This book is an exploration of their friendship and falling for each other (with Nick questioning how he could like a boy).  What makes this better than just your average angsty coming out novel is Charlie....he isn't willing to stay hidden.  He wants someone to acknowledge him and care for him openly.  He is hoping Nick could be that, but is aware that Nick is struggling with his own sexuality and his status as a jock.  Charlie is now a reluctant jock, as Charlie has recruited him for the rugby team and so the sports team atmosphere is also being explored as well as the relationship dynamics.  I love that Charlie is making a stand for himself, and since this ends on an emotional cliffhanger, I am anxious to see where it goes.....

I had no idea what this book was about, but the cover was so beautiful that I had to read it.  I am really glad I did, and though it seems like this was a one shot book, I am kind of hoping Sanchez does more.  
The novel is set in a DC universe; but not in an obvious way (they see Superman flying by, Aquaman is mentioned on TV, etc).  The main story is about Jake who lives in New Mexico surrounded by desert but dreaming of the ocean.  He is also thinking that perhaps he likes boys, and when he meets Kenny he knows it is true.  Kenny is a swimmer and when he gets Jake in the water, they find that he has a superpower that affects water.  Jake is exploring this and what it means, while also coming to terms with coming out and trying to figure out college and being a marine biologist even though he has never seen the ocean.  Then Jake's mother drops a huge secret on him that makes everything even MORE complicated......
I really enjoyed this book and it is honestly the way DC and Marvel SHOULD be incorporating well known YA authors into the comics universes (what they are instead doing is rewriting a lot of well known characters into new character arcs written by these well known talents.....which is a waste).  This is so well written, starring 2 teens of color and incorporating superpowers into regular teen life in a beautiful story.  Do not miss this title, ...go read it now!!!


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