The Times I Knew I Was Gay - Review by Jason!

Hi All,

I am back again with another graphic novel hit! I was assigned this book for Garden State Teen Book Awards (where librarians and library staff read books at vote to determine which ones make it to the official ballot for teens to vote). I enjoyed this book a lot, I was happy to be assigned it because I do not think I would've picked it up otherwise.

 It is about a girl who struggles with her sexuality. It goes through multiple iterations of her thinking she is gay, brushing it off just for it to happen again. I think this is a common occurrence for those in the LGBTQ+ community, so this might provide some comfort/justification for someone struggling to come to terms with their sexuality. 

It was a quick read, humorously written. I would recommend it to all of you to try it, and it is available at SBPL!



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