Feb titles from Saleena


I know this one is not new but I have never read it (really don't like the cover).  However, it was mentioned in a couple of "must read" lists and I decided to go for it....boy am I glad I did.   This is an awesome book where evil manifests itself as actually changing people (usually white) into monsters which the Sangerye family cures through root magic.  They are still living in treacherous times, 1920's Harlem, and are also struggling with a recent family tragedy of their own, where several family members were lost to the void (where the demons live).  

The family is truly the center of this plot, showing the different ways they work and argue and love each other.  The art work is amazing (really not sure why the cover shot was chosen...so many better pieces); and the fight scenes jump off the page.  I will definitely be finishing this series (it's a trilogy) and recommend it to anyone wanting a different kind of superhero comic.

I didn't know what to expect with this title, so I kind of just jumped in.  It was recommended to me and I thought....why not?  I am so glad I did.  Galaxy, a princess of Cyandii is living in hiding on Earth as Taylor, a human boy.  Living in hiding is difficult enough, especially while always worried about the safety of those around you and yourself; but adding in the dysmorphia of hiding their true gender AND alien origin adds so much stress and struggle to both Galaxy/Taylor as well as her family.  Watching the character slowly become comfortable with sharing her true self and then coming out to the world is LITERALLY an amazing way of illustrating the process of discovering, accepting and coming out as transgender.  Adding in the alien societal parts and making that the part more people are angry about allows the author (and reader) to really explore the many issues of hiding and coming out in a way that makes it  a little easier to understand for those who have never had to think about those things.  

I adore the Lumberjanes series, so just taking a minute to remind everyone that it is awesome and that you should try it.

Vol 13, "Indoor Recess" is literally all the craziness that happens when it's raining and everyone has to find something to do.  I love the board game that was created and how off the rails it gets...it reminds me, in the best way, of role playing games and just being creative in general and how fun it is.   


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